Harness the Power of Physical Movement

Whether you’re walking or running, doing yoga or stretching, playing basketball or pickleball, moving your body has a powerful impact on your overall health.

style points

Fuel Your Mental and Physical Wellness

Ready, set, go! Give yourself a boost by adding movement to your day. Physical activity can clear your mind, boost your confidence, and refocus your attention. It can also benefit your heart health, memory, immune system, and more.

Starting Point

Step It Up

Think about how you can add steps or movement to your day. Try parking farther away on your next errand or taking a 10-minute walk at lunch tomorrow.

Set a Goal

Shoot for 30!

Strive for 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week. It can improve mental health, heart health, memory, and more.

Time Crunch?

Stretch It Out

Don’t have much down time? Take advantage of a free moment to stretch. Reach your hands high, hold them there for five seconds, and then drop your arms and shake them out.


Clear Your Mind

When you’re facing a challenge, going out for a walk, a swim, or another form of exercise can cut through the noise so that you can tackle your challenge with a clear mind, focused thoughts, and a burst of confidence.

Meet the Dynamic Defender

While you were reading this, the Dynamic Defender glanced down at their fitness watch, checking on their latest movement goal — be it counting steps, increasing activity, or improving mile times. They love to push themselves, and these moments of movement help fuel their energy, optimism, and can-do spirit.

They spend a free afternoon ...

playing pickup at a nearby park.

They are never far from ...

ear buds, a fitness watch, and their favorite colorful kicks.

They battle a bad day ...

by turning on their good vibes playlist and pushing themselves to move for 30 minutes to an hour.

"I love to have 30 minutes to be in my body and see how I really feel.”

Kevon Looney

Golden State Warriors

Via The New York Times, on his participation in JOGA.

Join the Squad

Take a moment to discover which style fits you today.

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