Embrace the Power of Discovering Something New

Never stop looking for ways to learn. Stay curious. Ask questions. Keep reading. Learn about people who have had different experiences. This can increase your empathy and ability to understand yourself and the world around you.

style points

Keep Growing and Learning Through Your Curiosity

As the old saying goes: The only constant in life is change. You might change jobs. You might change towns. Different people might come and go. And throughout those changes — throughout life’s many transitions— you can set yourself up for success by staying open to learning, by viewing new experiences as opportunities, by considering new perspectives, by evolving yourself.

Starting Point

Start Reading (Or Listening)

Books, comics, graphic novels, magazines, news stories, audiobooks, podcasts. These activities can increase focus, reduce stress, and transport you to different worlds.


Name Your Feelings

Take time to learn about different feelings and emotions. Expanding your vocabulary in this way can increase self-awareness by helping you name what you’re feeling — and find the right support when needed.


Expand Your Perspective

Start a conversation with someone you don’t know well. Read up on people who have different backgrounds and experiences. This can provide a new way to see things.


Lean on Others

When facing a challenge, it can be helpful to lean on others who have faced similar situations. Learn from their experience. What worked? What didn’t? What would they do differently?

Meet the Clever Coach

Need a book recommendation for the summer? Looking for a new TV show, or a new podcast for an upcoming road trip? Start here, with the Clever Coach. They’re always seeking new things, new experiences, new perspectives. They’re also always up for a challenge. The Clever Coach embraces change and approaches new situations with an open mind.

They spend a free afternoon ...

wandering through a museum.

They are never far from ...

the new book they just picked up or downloaded.

They battle a bad day ...

by diving in, learning all they can, and finding the root of the problem or issue.

"I like to learn ... We have access to so much information. I love documentaries, and with Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, they’re incredibly accessible."

Jewell loyd

Seattle Storm

The Players' Tribune

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